Voice in a Silent Medium

Every piece of writing, from fiction novels to web content, has a voice. A professional writer will be able to recognize and manipulate this voice to suit a purpose. That purpose varies widely depending on the application of the writing required.

For instance, a fiction novel may use an epic voice to tell a story about adventure or tragedy, something that harkens to the days of long ago and kindles the flame of passion and danger in the reader. A poem may use an angry voice to incite the reader, or a voice of sadness to make them share the writer’s sorrow. A non-fiction paper, such as a thesis, will use an educated voice to lend authority to the words.

It’s often natural for a writer in those mediums to find the correct voice. We read a lot of those types of works, and we will naturally tend to a similar voice when trying our own hand at it. Many very successful writers are noteworthy for *breaking* these tendencies. A new type of voice for an old genre can make it unique and interesting.

What is more difficult to work with, is the voice of content writing and advertising.

Writing for Business

Content writing is an elusive thing to define. It can include online journalism in the form of blogs or e-zines, or creating the meat and potatoes of a website’s text. It’s filling in all the Lorem Ipsum that would cover the internet if nobody had any real content. It can be thousands of words, or just a few lines. We’re all familiar with what advertising is, and the writing applications of it include everything from posters to newspaper ads.

Why is voice important for content writing and advertising? Have you ever read an ad that made you wonder who they were trying to sell their product to? Have you ever browsed a website and thought it sounded too “technical” or too “patronizing” or too “casual”? Most of the blame for such things can be laid directly on the written content.

The *voice* of a website or an advertisement should be tailored to a specific audience, as well as to the product itself. While works of fiction harbor a voice of their own, meant to be heard, meant to be experienced, business writing should have a more subtle voice that serves to speak to the reader on *their* terms. The voice of marketing and content writing should invite the reader in and make them comfortable, make them recognize immediately what’s being said.

In the last few years there has been a real push with companies wanting to develop a *voice* and *image* for marketing. They’ve recognized the value in a content writer that’s able to stay true to that voice. But what does that mean? There are a few things that can be examined when determining if something you’ve written has the *voice* you intended it to have.

The Words

First, look at the actual words you’ve used. If you’re writing is supposed to be “casual” then your words should be as well. Don’t use words that the average person won’t understand. Write as if you’re talking. Make it *real*. Unless you want to target a very specific subset of the community, avoid slang other than universally accepted words. If you want to sound very professional, make your words count, make them worth every bit of the space they take up. Use professional words that convey an educated voice, without being over-the-top intelligent.

There are two layers of meaning to every word. There’s the dictionary definition of a word, what you’ll see when you look it up. That’s the denotative meaning. Beneath that is the connotative meaning, which is all about how the word makes you feel. It’s the word’s *voice*. The words “walk” and “strut” mean the same thing. They are both describing movement by putting one foot in front of the other, but they don’t feel the same when you read them, do they? “Walk” is empty, it’s a blank image. “Strut” carries connotations with it of arrogance, confidence, smugness.

Choose words that match your voice. Walk… strut… stroll… amble… dart… stagger… wander… Words paint a picture with their voice. Use the words in the content you write to paint a picture that matches the image of the company or site you’re writing for.

The Sentence

Second, the way the words go together can influence the voice. The length of your sentences can set the tone. Short sentences are more direct, and can be more forceful and assured. Long sentences can feel like rambling or they can lead the reader along like a boulder rolling down a hill, caught up in the moment, unable to take a breath for fear that they’ll miss something important that you have to say as you’re guiding them to the point you want to make and smoothly easing them into the next thought.

The written voice has a tone and a rhythm just like the spoken voice does. Mastering this tone and rhythm will give you the skill to manipulate the voice of your writing to fit the occasion. Read your sentences out loud. If there are places that *you* stumble on when reading, you can be sure that other readers will stumble as well. Strive for a natural progression in your sentence structure and don’t try to make your words seem smarter than they need to be. Readers will spot writing that’s more of a showcase of the writer’s education than a true message to them.

Also, pay attention to repetition. Read the entire piece back at least once when you think you’re done. In short advertisements, buzzwords get repeated so that customers will remember them in association with a product, but in content like articles or web pages, repetition can turn off customers and come across more as laziness or lack of creativity. Every word they read online takes up their time, and you don’t want them to feel that it’s being wasted.

The Punctuation

Third, punctuation frames your words. Too many inexperienced writers overuse certain forms of punctuation. How many times have you gotten an email where every sentence ends in an exclamation point? Does it feel a little fake? Perhaps you picture the other person with a huge Joker grin plastered to their face, eyes wide with maniacal glee? Then there’s the comma, a very useful little helper, unless you pepper them into your writing to the point that the reader is hitting them like speed bumps.

Of course, what discussion about the voice of the written word would be complete without mentioning the screaming ALL CAPS? Even used car salesmen don’t scream at their victims. Just as silly is over-capitalization. Don’t capitalize words just because you think they’re trigger words or buzzwords. It’s just as annoying as having a salesman constantly throw his fingers up in “air quotes” as he’s selling you something.


So as we wrap up this post, take a look at some of the commercial sites you encounter every day and try to determine what *voice* they’re trying to use. Look at whether they stay consistent in their usage of it, and whether it’s appropriate for the product they’re associated with. As you get better at manipulating the voice behind your writing, you only become more valuable to anyone you work with.